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Fares & Ticket Prices

Please pay exact fares only. Drivers are not equipped to make change. Have your fare ready when boarding. Deposit cash in the farebox or insert Day Pass or 30-Day Pass into farebox.

Single Ride Cash Fare (per ride)$1.00
Day Pass (Unlimited Rides for one complete service day)$3.00
30-Day Pass (Unlimited Rides for 30 Days from first use)$40.00
Disabled – Single Ride Cash Fare (with CityLink Half-fare ID or Federal Medicare Card) Full fare will be expected to be paid in the event no pass is presented. (per ride)$0.50
Student – Single Ride Cash Fare (with valid school or college ID) Full fare will be expected to be paid in the event no pass is presented. (per ride)$0.50
Veteran – Single Ride Cash Fare (with CityLink Half-fare ID) Full fare will be expected to be paid in the event no pass is presented. (per ride)$0.50
Seniors (65 & older) – Single Ride Cash Fare (with valid State Driver’s License or Identification Card; Federal Medicare Card;or CityLink Half-fare ID) (per ride)$0.50
Children 54 inches or shorterFREE
CityLift Paratransit Services – (one way)$2.00
CountyLink Services/CAUSE Tickets – (one way)$6.00
Benefit Access passengers (with approved Photo ID)FREE

Transfers are no longer available. The elimination of transfers means that a rider will have to pay a fare each time they board the bus. For example, if a full-fare rider needs to change to another bus to get to their final destination, their full trip will cost $2.00 ($1.00 for each leg of the trip), and the return trip will also cost $2.00. The best option for passengers is the $3.00 Day Pass offering unlimited rides for one full day, or the 30-Day Pass for $40.00, offering unlimited rides for 30 days.

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